Welcome to the BoCoCa Co-op!

A parent-run, teacher-led learning program for 2 & 3 year olds

We are a part-time program for families looking for a fun, laid-back, play-based learning environment for their 2 and 3 year olds. The perfect prep for 3k or pre-k, our unique co-op structure allows us to create an affordable and inclusive space for kids to play, learn and grow.

Social-Emotional Development

When we welcome the children to our classroom, they are emerging from the home environment to begin the development of self as positive, cooperative, and critically thinking young people. It is our intention to allow them to realize the responsibility and power they have to change themselves and the world.

Child-led & play-based learning

Our main strategies in teaching involve “scaffolding play.” When the children express interest we are ready with stories, games, art projects, experiments, and songs that open their minds to the grand wholes, that surround them.

Community Building

As a cooperative playgroup, we are committed to fostering a deep sense of community between our teachers and enrolled families. We foster an open classroom, and welcome parents to observe, participate in, and actively engage with their child’s education.